2019: The Year in review

Last year I wrote a list of things I wanted to achieve in 2019. So I thought why not I write a blog post every year-end about what I did throughout the year.

This post will be really helpful when I look back and think about what I did and how much I learned every year etc.

Summary of the year:

My blog posts

I wrote only 1 article in 2019 πŸ˜†. In 2020, I am planning to write at least 1 article per month 😬.

Few blogs I frequent visit:

  1. http://dev.to
  2. https://web.dev
  3. https://v8.dev
  4. http://kentcdodds.com
  5. http://overreacted.io
  6. https://css-tricks.com

I also maintain a git repo called Today I Liked which has all the articles I read throughout this year.

Open Source Projects

I have more OSS projects in my GitHub, in which some are half baked/just ideas and some are completed fully but in private repo.

More open-source projects can be found here.

Git streaks

Once my wise friend Hemanth told me that git streaks are just gimmicky and all it does is put stress on you and that he stopped doing it. I wanted to stop as well and take breaks whenever I can and I need to.

Hence my streaks look like this.

Git Streaks 2019

But now looking back I took a lot of breaks πŸ™„πŸ˜† and feel great about it.


Along with my friends Shidhin and Hemanth, we redesigned & rebranded our newsletter (previously known as pwa.tips) as this week in web.

Name is heavily inspired from this week in react newsletter from Philipp Spiess do check out his newsletter.

As of today, our newsletter has 570+ subscribers. We have subscribers all around the world (USA, Germany, India, Turkey, Japan, etc).

And our top readers are from USA.

Things we use for our newsletter


  1. Technical Committee 39 (TC39) on Aug 14 - Bangalore, Thoughworks - UI Catchup
  2. Intro to ReactJS in 2019 on July 29 - Bangalore, Thoughworks - Office Level
  3. Serverless for Frontend Developers on July 11 - Bangalore, Thoughworks - UI Catchup
  4. Performance Budgeting on May 11 - Bangalore, Paypal - Office PaypalJs
  5. Let's Talk Web Performance on Apr 07 - Bangalore, Thoughworks - UnFold UI

Books I read

List of things (Professional) I learned


All in all, I feel great this year than the previous year. I have accomplished a lot of things and I learned a lot too both professionally & personally. In 2020 I again have a huge list of things I want to accomplish and things I want to continually do every year.

So, thanks for reading, see you next year for the same.

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