Virtual DOM

Virtual DOM otherwise known as VDOM, is a virtual representation of actual DOM (Document Object Model) in the browser. VDOM is kept in memory and synced with actual DOM.

Before getting into coding, let's see some advantages and disadvantages.


  1. VDOM is useful when we want to update the DOM with minimal operations.
  2. Provides great performance over actual DOM when accessing and updating nodes frequently.


  1. Have to keep track of changes happening throughout the application.
  2. Takes more memory if not efficiently handled.

Note: Shadow DOM and Virtual DOM are not the same.

We will not look into any of the above libraries and their VDOM implementations. This post is about how a virtual DOM works (More of a simplified version).

First lets see an example of HTML representation.

<div class="container">

Representation of above HTML in DOM & VDOM below

DOM Structure:

├── DIV.container
 ├── H1
 ├── #Home

VDOM: Plain JS object

const VDOMTree = {
  type: 'div',
  attributes: { className: 'container' },
  children: [
      type: 'h1',
      attributes: {},
      children: ['Home'],

Functionality of a virtual DOM is

  1. An object to store the representation of actual DOM.
  2. create element tree.
  3. diff the changes of new & old VDOM trees.
  4. render the VDOM tree in DOM.

Code: skeleton of VDOM.js file

// Plain object to store DOM representation
var tree = {};

// To create DOM node with its attributes & children up to 'N' level
function createElement() {}

// To diff the changes of old tree & new tree and update the tree
function diff() {}

// To render VDOM tree in DOM
function render() {}

Step 1: Create Element

Create element function will accept 3 parameters.

  1. type of a node.
  2. attributes of a node.
  3. children for node.
function createElement(type, attributes, ...children) {
  return { type, attributes, children };

const tree = createElement(
  { className: 'list' },
  createElement('li', {}, 'my list 1'),
  createElement('li', {}, 'my list 2')

console.log(tree); // Result is below

  "type": "ul",
  "attributes": {
    "className": "list"
  "children": [
      "type": "li",
      "attributes": {},
      "children": [
        "my list 1"
      "type": "li",
      "attributes": {},
      "children": [
        "my list 2"

Step 2: Diff changes

To compare changes in VDOM, we need a diffing algorithm. For that, we will take basic principles of react reconciliation diffing algorithm.

React implements a heuristic O(n) algorithm based on the following assumptions.


  1. First compare the two root elements of new & old VDOM tree.
  2. If the root elements are different, ignore the old VDOM tree and use the new VDOM tree.
  3. When comparing the same element types in VDOM tree, only update whatever has changed (Eg: class or text, etc,).
  4. Go up to 'N' and repeat the steps 1 to 3.

Breaking our diff() function in three parts for better understanding.

  1. Diff the node type.
  2. Diff the node attributes.
  3. Diff the node children.

Code: diff, diffAttributes, diffChildren

function diff(oldTree, newTree) {
  // If new tree is not present return empty array
  if (!newTree) {
    return [];

  // Compare two root tree type
  if (oldTree.type !== newTree.type) {
    // if not equal ignore the old tree & return new tree
    return newTree;

  // If old & new tree are equal return old tree
  if (oldTree === newTree) {
    return oldTree;

  // If old & new tree is of type string, then it's a next node so return new tree
  if (typeof oldTree === 'string' && typeof newTree === 'string') {
    return newTree;

  var updatedTree = { ...oldTree }; // To store our updated tree

  // If both tree types are equal, then start diffing attributes & its children
  if (oldTree.type === newTree.type) {
    // DIff attributes (props)
    var patchAttributes = diffAttributes(oldTree.attributes, newTree.attributes);

    // If there is diff in attributes then update it
    if (patchAttributes) {
      updatedTree.attributes = patchAttributes;

    // Diff children of both trees
    var patchChildren = diffChildren(oldTree.children, newTree.children);

    // If there is diff in children element then update it
    if (patchChildren) {
      updatedTree.children = patchChildren;

  return updatedTree; // return the updated tree

// To compare old & new tree children
function diffChildren(oldTreeChildren, newTreeChildren) {
  var updatedChildren = []; // To store our updated children

  var oldTreeChildrenLength = oldTreeChildren.length;
  var newTreeChildrenLength = newTreeChildren.length;

  // Calculating length iterate the children
  var length = oldTreeChildrenLength > newTreeChildrenLength ? oldTreeChildrenLength : newTreeChildrenLength;

  // Iterate the children node tree
  for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    var leftNode = oldTreeChildren[i];
    var rightNode = newTreeChildren[i];

    // If leftNode is not present & rightNode is present
    // That means new children is present in new tree children
    if (!leftNode) {
      if (rightNode) {
        updatedChildren.push(rightNode); // Add new children
    // Else recursively traverse the tree children and diff it
    // Up to 'N' of trees
    else {
      updatedChildren = updatedChildren.concat(diff(leftNode, rightNode));

  return updatedChildren; // return the updated children

// To compare old & new tree attributes
function diffAttributes(oldTreeAttrs, newTreeAttrs) {
  var updatedAttributes = {}; // To store attributes

  // If old tree attributes are not present return new tree attributes
  if (!oldTreeAttrs) {
    return newTreeAttrs;

  // Start iterating tree attributes
  for (var oldTreeAttrKey in oldTreeAttrs) {
    // oldTree key is not in new tree attributes, remove it
    if (!(oldTreeAttrKey in newTreeAttrs)) {
      updatedAttributes[oldTreeAttrKey] = undefined;

    var oldTreeAttrValue = oldTreeAttrs[oldTreeAttrKey]; // value of old tree attribute
    var newTreeAttrValue = newTreeAttrs[oldTreeAttrKey]; // value of new tree attribute

    // If value of old and new attributes are same continue the iteration
    // else update value of new tree attribute
    if (oldTreeAttrValue === newTreeAttrValue) {
    } else {
      updatedAttributes[oldTreeAttrKey] = newTreeAttrValue;

  // Again start iterating new tree attributes to see if there any new attribute available
  // which is not present in old tree attributes
  for (var newTreeKey in newTreeAttrs) {
    // If new tree attribute is not present in old tree attributes
    // then add that attribute it
    if (!(newTreeKey in oldTreeAttrs)) {
      updatedAttributes[newTreeKey] = newTreeAttrs[newTreeKey];

  return updatedAttributes; // return updated attributes

// Example old tree
var oldTree = {
  type: 'ul',
  attributes: { className: 'list' },
  children: [
    { type: 'li', children: ['My list 1'] },
    { type: 'li', children: ['My list 2'] },

// Example new tree
var newTree = {
  type: 'ul',
  attributes: { className: 'list' },
  children: [
      type: 'li',
      attributes: { id: 'my-list-2' }, // new
      children: ['My list 2'],
    'simple text', // new

var updatedTree = diff(oldTree, newTree);

console.log(updatedTree); // Result is below

  "type": "ul",
  "attributes": {},
  "children": [
      "type": "li",
      "children": [
        "My list 2"
      "attributes": {
        "id": "my-list-2"
    "simple text"

The above code is a little big, but I have commented on each and every line to understand better. So, I will skip explaining it.

Step 3: Render the VDOM tree in DOM

Job of the render() function is to create/update/patch the changes to DOM elements based on the diff'ed tree and render everything into DOM.

Implementation details:

function render(tree, renderTo) {
  // I am going to leave the function of render to you ;)

var tree = createElement(
  { className: 'list' },
  createElement('li', {}, 'my list 1'),
  createElement('li', {}, 'my list 2')

render(tree, document.body); // render's the HTML in DOM

Summing up

I tried my best to explain how a virtual DOM works. The implementation might not be like preact, react would have implemented and theirs will be far better and more performant in nature. But you get the idea right. How a virtual DOM works?

For the sake of this post, I have left our lot of implementation, hope this post was helpful in understanding little more about virtual dom. By the way Jason Miller, creator of preact has created a tiny 480Byte VDOM library. Check it out.

Thanks for reading it so far 😁. My next post will be about Promise.allSettled(). See you next Tuesday :)

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